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Developer Toolbox: Where Are We Going?
Projected TO DO list out to December 31, 1997

This schedule, conceived during the Developer Forum in May of 1996,
is a moving window updated every month or so. It is composed of two parts:
What We Will Accomplish, and What We Would Like To Accomplish.

There are three components in the equation of accomplishing our task:
  1. time to complete the next release
  2. new content gathered and integrated as well a improving mechanism for delivering DT
  3. human resources: i.e. dave and Tom

If one nails down any two of the above, the third will "float" to a greater or lesser extent. In our case, we have chosen to fix the resources, i.e. just dave and Tom are essentially doing the DT CD releases. We've chosen to have a minimum content threshold and an increase in the integrity of the mechanism. Therefore, to some extent, the completion time of the release floats. Content is King. Reliability is Queen.

We are entirely open to altering this metric based upon your pheedbak.


What We Have Accomplished
for the v6.1 DT CD release

  1. strengthened and extended the integrity of the DT serving process:
    • improved success rate of CD eject mechanism
    • made search work after swapping CDs
    • made DT serving process be forward and backward compatible across DT CD releases
      i.e. the latest-and-greatest DT server can be with older DT CDs.
      (e.g. the v6.0 fixDT script is no longer needed.)

  2. investigated multi-CD Web-on-DT with netscape server (instead of outbox)

  3. designed and began implementation of Tom's fast toolbox link checker, a MOMspider replacement. (MOMspider takes ~5 days to complete; our design goal is check DT links in under 3 hours.)

  4. upgraded src/build machine to IRIX 6.2, attempt to re-compile entire DT

  5. solved the ClubDev preview & push problem for ClubDev authors

  6. investigated the similarity of the Toolbox and ClubDev.

  7. initiated putting DT through an SGI usability analysis

  8. created first version of "Taste of the Toolbox" for Dev Prog on

  9. investigated use of PNG so we can begin indexing images

  10. investigated how we do and created a site-license form of the Toolbox

v6.2 DT Web-on-CD: By DECEMBER 31st, 1996:
  1. The fundamental content-direction will be the material concerning the newly-released SGI personal workstation.

  2. plan and implement mirror of DT secure site in Munich
    • pre-requisite: Munich runs the Netscape Commerce Server
    • research existent mirroring software
    • determine if we use already-been-made package or design our own
    • implement whatever we choose to go with to provide some amount of automation

  3. Automated Nightly Build (ANB) of int tree, and ANB of ext tree candidate
    • complete Tom's fast toolbox link checker (MOMspider replacement)
    • design utility to drive Nightly Build and other global tasks
    • implement mechanism of utility driving Nightly Build

  4. Merge ClubDev content into the DT


  1. design and implement CD number daemon to speed up the Automated Nightly Build

  2. strengthen and extend the integrity of the DT serving process:
    • make download work in the CD environment
    • design/implement CD number daemon to speed up CD serving process

  3. enable content contributions beyond the janitor:
    • extend DT Style Guide
      • include new section on ptools setup and cheat sheet of cmds
    • advance DT build process documentation:
      • image man page
      • gen_index man page
      • update dtcommondefs man page

  4. integrate infosrvr/infocmd (replacing oasiscmd/current DTsearch)

  5. implement ability to run executable program directly from DT CD

  6. implement DTforum+DTpheedbak list-server e-mail lists & MLA archive

  7. provide ability to maintain a mirrored version of the DT website as part of the site licensing program

v7.0 DT Web-on-CD: By APRIL 30th, 1997:

  1. Automatic Globalization of top-level ("global") HTML files

  2. implement nifty-nav as part of Automatic Globalization

  3. incorporate Tom's FAQs plus FAQ compiler into DTmaincommondefs

  4. automate/systematize grabbing usenet FAQs to DT

  5. redesign and implement DT page layout based on results of SGI usability study

  6. revisit using Netscape server instead of NCSA server on DT CDs.

  7. determine viability of using NSAPI to implement "shrink wrap" & unified validation for DT and Innovate Online

v7.1 DT Web-on-CD: By AUGUST 31st, 1997:
  1. support of multiple APIs and ABIs

  2. investigate our own web mirroring TO DT src tree, or TO all img trees, or just to CD
      e.g. mirroring the CSD the patch server

  3. simple process for mirroring DT at any sgi web site

  4. mechanisms to make Toolbox Contribution process simpler and easier

  5. analysis and display of DT web usage statistics

  6. create an sNt presentation: "A Tour of the Toolbox"

  7. mirror site operational in the pacific rim

v7.2 DT Web-on-CD: By DECEMBER 31st, 1997:
  1. pilot version of "Roll your own Toolbox"

  2. convert DT images to PNG and annotate with data for indexing

  3. design/implement java-based multiple URL bullet menu (part of AG)

  4. investigate developer preferences: username/password, display customization

  5. investigate random toolbox trivia question at bottom of HUB page

  6. create capability to automatically generate interior index.html files (AGII)

  7. generate back-links & co-links for use within hot bullet menu

  8. various Developer "ease of use" toolbox-access enhancements